What we guarantee

We know your industry

The financing solution can only be a perfect fit and optimal if industry know-how is also incorporated into the concept.  

Years of close contacts as well as professional activities, also on the manufacturer side, form our strong basis in the development of your financing concept. Thanks to our international network, you also benefit from cross-border connections that allow us to draw from a broad pool of financing solutions.

Seasonal fluctuations in certain industries, requirements on the financing concept for special objects such as Oldtimers to competition-dependent sales financing requirements in the area of road, rail or water transport - all of this is not new to us. On the contrary: we adapt to your needs and requirements and advise you, put together the optimal financing solution and accompany you beyond that up to monitoring and reporting. We are your flexible partner at any point in the financing chain where you need us.

Seasonal business

Not every industry thinks alike. That's why the requirements for a financing solution also vary.
We work across all industries.

Company size

Depending on the size and business area of your company, different financing solutions come into question.
We take a holistic view of your project!

Business strategy

Particularly in the case of larger financing projects, your strategic orientation must be included in the composition of an optimal financing solution for you.
We take a look into the future with you!

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