HV LeasePartner creates new opportunities in sales financing

HV LeasePartner was founded in October 2021 with the aim of offering customized sales financing solutions for manufacturers, suppliers and end customers throughout Europe. The founders and managing directors Sebastian Volbert and Georg Haslinger have more than 45 years of experience in the international sales financing and leasing industry.

Not every property or project is the same. Therefore, financing solutions cannot be identical either. Depending on the needs, on the business objective and on the financial structure of the company, various financing instruments such as leasing, installment plan, loans, factoring or a sales financing model must be examined. Together with the customer, we clarify which form of financing best suits the acquisition of the property.

Often, the intelligent combination of several service modules, which then leads to the possible or desired financing solution, is also required. As an independent financing partner, we are not only more flexible than house banks, insurers or pure leasing companies, but also cover the whole of Europe.

In order to be able to develop suitable financing concepts, extensive industry knowledge is an indispensable prerequisite. With our many years of experience and diverse connections to manufacturers and financing partners, we offer fast and optimal solutions – in many areas such as construction, agriculture, forestry, transport, aviation, crane or heavy-duty, machinery, IT, energy and much more. We are also happy to contribute our expertise to very special financing requests (e.g. project financing).

Learn more about our service portfolio!

HV LeasePartner
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