
Sales financing mediation

For us, mediation does not end with optimal condition

Conditions are one thing, a consistently structured and well-prepared settlement process is another. Both are equally important to us! We are on the lookout for the best conditions for you throughout Europe, but we also take care of the necessary "paperwork" for you. Thanks to decades of experience on the side of manufacturers, agents and financiers, we know exactly which documents are needed, e.g. for risk assessment, and in which form. To avoid time-consuming coordination loops we prepare all documents accordingly and create an optimal information and data basis for you and the internal decision-making team.

Let's exchange actively!

We are available for you via telephone or e-mail for initial contact.
To the contact details

We do the detailed check!

In a quick way, we check out needs & frameworks so we can get started!

We transmit a complete basis for decision making

We provide the optimal financing package including all necessary documents for risk assessment and processing as a basis for your decisions and are available for queries & adaptations at any time.

On this you can rely on

Conversation on eye level

With a lot of practical experience on the manufacturer, financier and intermediary side, we know exactly about your challenges & needs. We can therefore work together quickly and in a very targeted manner!

Object-independent specialist

As leasing specialists, there is hardly anything that we have not yet financed. So don't just think of HV LeasePartner for cars, heavy transports or machinery. You are also in good hands with aircraft, photovoltaic systems, biogas equipment, medical technology equipment for laboratories and the like.

Personal consulting

At HV LeasePartner, the executive management itself - and therefore two leasing and finance experts - are available to answer your questions. No impersonal call centers or waiting loops. We are available - in person, via telephone or e-mail. Just as it is convenient for you!

Extensive service

Service requirements vary depending on whether you are a manufacturer, retailer or financial institution. Especially the bureaucratic effort around financing solutions or more comprehensive financing projects can become difficult. We support you wherever you need us as a provider of know-how or as an implementer in the process.

Comprehensible calculation

The property or project, the form of financing and the financial framework conditions must fit together in order to put together an optimal offer. To this end, we provide all the necessary documents as a coherent basis for decision-making.

Unlimited offer possibilities

"Business is local": We use our international network to set up the optimal financing solution for the respective property for your customers in their country.
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